The diversity of epistemological roots in music education
The 1st International Music Education Symposium will be held on October 1st and 2nd, within the schedule of the 41st International Music Festival of Londrina, Londrina, Brazil. Discussing the theme “The diversity of epistemological roots in music education“, the meeting aims to highlight the cultural diversity in the field of Music Education in Brazil, in order to support a consistent and decolonial structure of a pedagogy centered on the student and on epistemological roots based on social contexts. At the same time, it seeks to bring together a powerful national and international network of visionary music educators and thinkers to discuss epistemologies that support the symbolic values and knowledge that exist in different cultures and communities.
See how it went
October 1, 2021 | complete event
See how it went
October 2, 2021 | complete event
October 1st
4:30 pm
Prof. Dr. Magali Kleber
Dr. Magali Kleber, graduated in piano, specializing in piano at EMBAO, master at UNESP, doctorate in music education at UFRGS and post-doctorate in ethnomusicology at UFRJ. His doctoral thesis was nominated for the most important award of the Brazilian Foundation “Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes)”, being one of the references in the area of social projects in music education. Currently, as a retired professor, Dr. Kleber serves as a public policy consultant in the field of music education, as well as an organizer and speaker at conferences and seminars. She was President of the Brazilian Association in Music Education ABEM 2009 to 2013; member of ISME since 2002 and member of Community Music Activity Commission ; Elected Member of the Executive Council of the International Society for Music Education ISME (2016-2020) committed to the implementation of the New Bylaws and the expansion of the Brazilian membership in ISME. Pedagogical Director of the Londrina Music Festival. She was the curator of the first Brazilian Bienal de Música e Cidadania, 2017, proposed by the Fundação Nacional de Artes. She has published articles in several specialized magazines and contributed chapters in several books that address issues such as music education and social justice, inclusion, cultural diversity and public policy. She recently published an article focusing on Brazilian Challenges for Arts Education in the International Yearbook of Research in Arts Education in the World: Comparative Research Seven Years after the Seoul Agenda, as well as a Chapter focusing on Brazilian NGOs in The Oxford Handbook of Children’s Musical Cultures , edited by Patricia Campbell and Trevor Wiggins.
Prof.Dr. Flavia Maria Cruvinel
Doctor in Education, Master in Music and Specialist in Brazilian Music of the 20th Century, research related to Collective Teaching of Musical Instruments; Music Education in Alternative Spaces; Musical Formation Processes and History of Musical Education. She is the author of the books “Music Education and Social Transformation” (2005) and “Music and Power: the bragantine cortesian habitus at tropics” (2021, in press), as well as several articles and book chapters. He is deputy leader of the research group “Musics and Formative Processes” (UFG / Cnpq). Elected to compose the board of directors of the International Society for Music Education, 2020-2022 biennium. She is currently Deputy Dean of Extension and Culture and Director of Culture at UFG (2018-2021) and Adjunct Professor at the School of Music and Performing Arts at the Federal University of Goiás.
4:50 pm
Lecture “A visible voice – What does this theme mean for Brazil?”
Prof. Dr. Alda Oliveira
Alda Oliveira has been a very active ISME member for many years. She is one of the first Brazilians to participate in ISME Conferences, introducing the Society for many music educators in Brazil. She holds a Bachelor degree in Piano and Music Education (Brazil), Master’s degree in Composition (USA) and PhD (USA). As pianist, composer and music educator, Alda Oliveira has dedicated a lot of work in the preparation of music teachers in Brazil. In her career as a pianist, she includes many premieres of contemporary avant-garde music. Her compositions include pieces for piano, choir, chamber music, among others, and several songs for music education well known in Brazil and abroad.
Alda was the founder of the Associação Brasileira de Educação Musical – ABEM (The Brazilian Association of Music Education) being its first president. Alda actively participated as chair of Committee of Experts on Arts and Music, at the Brazilian Ministry of Education. She was a co-chair of the ISME Research Commission, and also a Board member of the Society. In Brazil she was a Board member of the Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduaçãoem Música – ANPPOM (The Brazilian Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music). Alda was also the Dean of the School of Music at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (Federal University of Bahia), in Brazil, and Director of the Pracatum School for training professional musicians in Salvador, Bahia.
She has the honorific title of “Housewright Eminent Scholar” from Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, USA (2001). She is the author of several works on music education and, currently, her research on teacher training in music is testing the approach named PONTES (BRIDGES) aiming to teach music articulated to the sociocultural context, the level of development and interests of the student. Currently she is a retired Professor of the Universidade Federal da Bahia, but still supervises master and doctoral students. Her writings have motivated students, teachers and researchers, and during her career, undertook a number of research studies, contributing to the development of the music education area in Brazil. Her publications include books and various national and international articles published in journals. Alda’s contribution to music education in Brazil is undeniable and her participation in several national and international forums – including ISME – became an example of commitment and a life dedicated to music education.
Prof. Dr. Liane Hentschke
Former Professor of Music Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, she was a Master and PhD supervisor at the Graduate Program in Music. Professor Hentschke was a President of ISME – International Society of Music Education, 2006-2008 and Vice-President of IMC – International Music Council, 2009-2013. In 2014 she was the Chair of the Conference Organizing Group of the 31st ISME World Conference, in Porto Alegre Brazil.
Emily Achieng’ Akuno
Emily Achieng’ Akuno is Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) at The Co-operative University of Kenya.
She holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Kingston University, Surrey, UK, a Master of Music of the Northwestern State University, Louisiana, USA and Bachelor of Education (Arts) of Kenyatta University, Kenya. Prof. Achieng’ Akuno has over 30 years University level Teaching, Research and Administration experience. She has served in various senior and middle level management capacities here in Kenya and abroad, including Kenyatta University, Maseno University and the Technical University of Kenya and the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa.
Trained as a performer-educator, Prof. Achieng’ Akuno is actively involved in the music and music education scene in Kenya and internationally. An astute researcher currently working on a music for literacy development project, she is widely published and read with over 40 academic works in refereed journals, books and conference proceedings.
5:40 pm
Lecture “Strengthening the epistemological roots in music education”
Prof. Dr. André de Quadros
Professor Dr André de Quadros is an ethnomusicologist, music educator, conductor, and human rights activist, with professional work in the most diverse settings in more than 40 countries, spanning professional ensembles; projects with prisons, psychosocial rehabilitation, refugees, poverty locations; and victims of torture, sexual violence, and trauma. He is a professor of music at Boston University, where he holds affiliations in African, African American, American and New England, Asian, Jewish, Latin American, and Muslim studies, and prison education. He is affiliated with BU’s Center for Antiracist Research, the Initiative on Cities, the Pardee School Initiative on Forced Migration and Human Trafficking, and The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. He co-directs Common Ground Voices / La Frontera a project that works with refugees on the Mexico-US border. In 2019, he was a Distinguished Academic Visitor at the University of Cambridge. Recent publications are his 2019 book, Focus: Choral Music in Global Perspective (Routledge), and a 2020 co-edited book, My Body was Left on the Street: Music Education and Displacement, (Brill). For further information, see
6:15 pm
Teaching Traditional Music in the Modern Society:
Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong as an Example
Prof. Dr. Bo-Wah Leung
Professor Bo-Wah Leung is currently Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts and Director of Research Centre for Transmission of Cantonese Opera at The Education University of Hong Kong. He is an award winning professor of music for his research in incorporating Cantonese opera into formal music curriculum. He received the prestigious Musical Rights Award from the International Music Council (founded by UNESCO) in 2011 as well as the Knowledge Transfer Award from the HKIEd in 2012 for his leadership in a research project entitled “Collaborative Project on Teaching Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools”. During his tenure in HKIEd, Professor Leung has developed a teaching kit, Teaching Package on Creative Music Making in Schools, and a series of music textbooks for the general use of all schools in Hong Kong.
Professor Leung has published many research papers in leading journals and edited books including the International Journal of Music Education, Research Studies in Music Education, Music Education Research, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, International Journal of Community Music, and the Oxford Handbook of Music Education. His Chinese book, Teaching Creative Music Making: New trend for the new century (Excellence Pub., 2005), is Hong Kong’s first publication of creativity in music teaching and learning. A revised version of this book has been published in Beijing tackling the music curriculum reform of mainland China (People’s Music Publisher, 2014). His book Creative Arts in Education and Culture: Perspectives from Greater China (Springer, 2013) features the development of creative arts in the transforming region influencing the globe. His newly published book titled Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, Evolution, Challenges features global issues of transmission of traditional music (Springer, 2018).
Other than his professional practice with EdUHK, Professor Leung is currently President-Elect of International Society for Music Education (ISME), Chair of Board of Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research (APSMER), Adjunct Professor of Music at the Northeast Normal University, Guangzhou University, and South China Normal University, China, life member of Chinese Musician Association, Chief Editor of Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, Subject Specialist (Education and Performing Arts) of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications, member of Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee, HAB, Consultant of the Chinese Opera School of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Professional Consultant of Music Office, and member of Management Committee of Taipo Arts Centre. Professor Leung served as a Board Member of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) thrice, co-editor of International Journal of Music Education, Chair of the Music in School and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC) of ISME, co-chair of the Research Commission of ISME, and the founding President of the Hong Kong Association for Music Educators (HAME). Professor Leung received 3 General Research Fund Grants from the Research Grant Council in 2011, 2014, and 2019 and a QEF grant in 2009. He received his BA (Hon) in Music and PGDE from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, MA in music education from the Hong Kong Baptist University, and PhD from University of New South Wales, Australia.
Profa. Sandra Oberoi
Sandra Oberoi, is an international singer, music educator and researcher, vocal coach and motivational speaker. She is the Founder and Director of Harmony-The Music School in Bangalore, India, one of the leading after-school music programs in the country, and the Artistic Director of the award-winning youth choir The Harmony Chorus. She serves on the Board of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) and is the Chair of the Advocacy Standing Committee.
Oberoi co-founded ‘The Harmony International Music Foundation’, a not-for-profit organisation that facilitates concerts and recitals with unique themes using music as a social agent to support children with AIDS, mental health support, climate change awareness, to fund the education of lesser-privileged children, and to provide musical opportunities at old age homes and orphanages across Bangalore city. Concerts with The Harmony Chorus are focused on bridging the gap between cultures, encouraging tolerance and supporting musical excellence with purpose.
Oberoi is presently a research scholar at the Institute of Education, UCL, UK. with a Masters in Music from Northwestern University, USA. Featured in Northwestern’s 150 years of Women – celebrating catalysts, trailblazers, trendsetters who have contributed to society, she actively campaigns for the advancement of music education and music for all across India and in several regions the world over.
October 2nd
4:30 pm
Epistemological Roots In Music Education: Towards Decolonization of Nigerian Music Education
Prof. Dr. Graziela Bortz, Unesp
Graziela Bortz is a professor in the Music Department at the Instituto de Artes at Unesp. She develops research funded by FAPESP and SEMPRE (England) on the cognitive and social skills of young people and children trained in music. She was a horn player (OSPA and Theatro Municipal de São Paulo) and Pedagogical Coordinator at Emesp-Tom Jobim.
5:05 pm
Lecture “The diversity of epistemological roots in music education: let’s talk about decolonization”
Prof. Dr. Meki Nzewi
African musical arts and science theorist, composer, music-dramatist, creative writer, ‘mother’ drummer –oral and literacy. Professor of African Music, University of Port Harcourt & Director, Centre for Indigenous Instrumental Music and Dance Practices of Africa (CIIMDA), Research, Education & Performance for SADC based in Pretoria. Practical research studies have been devoted to uexplicating the underlying philosophy, intentions, principles, soft science and creative theory underpinning African indigenous musical arts expressions. Contemporary documentation, analyses, interpretation, advancement, theoretical and creative continuum of African musical arts heritage have resulted in: Scholarly books, philosophical essays, research monographs, compositions, novels and journal articles (narrative scholarship style), which explicate indigenous African creative philosophy, logic, intentions and grammar, and their contemporaneous viability in education and practice; Designing, writing and producing literary musical arts works – operas, musicals, music/dance drama & TV series/serials – deriving from indigenous knowledge models; Re-orientation projects on creativity, education, research and public action performances.
Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Cambria
Graduado em D.A.M.S (Disciplinas da Arte, da Música e do Espetáculo) pela Universidade de Bologna (Itália), mestre em musicologia (etnografia das práticas musicais) pela Escola de Música da UFRJ e doutor em Etnomusicologia pela Wesleyan University (EUA). Atualmente é professor de etnomusicologia e cultura brasileira no Instituto Villa-Lobos da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) e coordenador do mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da mesma universidade. Desenvolveu pesquisas sobre a música do candomblé baiano e sobre a relação entre música e identidade negra em um bloco afro de Ilhéus/Bahia. Mais recentemente tem trabalhado no desenvolvimento de metodologias colaborativas e participativas de pesquisa e abordado temas como favelas, violência, etnomusicologia urbana e decolonialidade. Sobre esses assuntos apresentou trabalhos em congressos e seminários nacionais e internacionais e publicou artigos e capítulos de livros. Entre os anos de 2015 e 2017 tem sido Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Etnomusicologia (ABET).
5:40 pm
PANEL: “Politics, Ethics and Music Education”
Dr. Lauren Kapalka Richerme
Dr. Lauren Kapalka Richerme is associate professor of music in music education at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on philosophy, sociology, and instrumental methods. Her research interests include contemporary philosophy, education policy, and innovative approaches to collegiate teaching.
Dr. Richerme’s work has been published in Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Journal of Research in Music Education, Philosophy of Music Education Review, International Journal of Music Education, Music Education Research, Arts Education Policy Review, Music Educators Journal, and Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education. Her philosophy book, Complicating, Considering, and Connecting Music Education, in which she explains aspects of poststructuralist philosophy and proposes a poststructuralist-inspired philosophy of music education, is published through Indiana University Press.
Richerme serves on the editorial board of Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, and she has held leadership positions in the Indiana Music Educators Association, Society for Music Teacher Education Policy ASPA, National Association for Music Education Philosophy Special Research Interest Group, and International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education where she is presently Committee member if the Advocacy Standing Committee and Policy Commission.
Prior to her university teaching, Richerme taught high school and middle school band and general music in Massachusetts. She earned degrees from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Harvard University, and Arizona State University.